
Common things in love and business


Love and business skills are having much in common


Business is all about strategizing and making profits to have a nice life ahead. These same procedures also work to have a lovely relationship. It may sound outrageous, but yes it simply works. There has to be a plan for everything and if there is none then make sure how to react in situations. It is all about you and how you perform to make things works. If you are not getting anywhere near then these then business procedures will work fine to find the one you are looking for.


1. Increase your network:

If you are sitting in front of TV or hanging around with same groups of friends then you are in a corner. You have to get out and visit new places. Don’t ask anyone if they can give you company just visit a new place and eat or drink there. It might make you feel lonely but on the first note, you were already alone. Try to meet new people in new place and try to have a talk with them. There are many regulars who come to their favorite places and you might just found one.

2. Be presentable:

In business, if the presentation is not good that everybody ignores them. It same goes with the person and then they think that what is wrong with others. It’s nice to be what you are but sometimes it never really works. Work on the tone of your voice and if it sounds harsh then you have some major work to do. Get some nice dress to wear so you look good when going out. Voice and dress make a perfect combination to be presentable.

3. Remember faces and names:

In any business, if a person is not remembering the name of another then they are not professional. Some of us find it very difficult to remember the names. If you want to have things in hand then increase the power of memorizing names. A person who introduced themselves also wants that they should be remembered. Take a note or use a mobile phone to write down their name. Even if this does not feel impressive but it works great when you are meeting more people.

4. Give your business cards:

Business cards are not limited to those who are having professional jobs. You can also have a card for yourself with a phone number written on it. When you meet someone and you find them interesting then give them your card. If they find you interesting then they will give a call and you can have a date. Presenting your card will also help to put a great impression on others.

5. Make yourself up-to-date:

Just like a businessman who works to know every in and out of their business. The same thing has to be with you also. Get around social media and try to find out what the other person likes. Make a small homework, like what others like and what is the latest trend. Read what is going around and you can start interacting with others. It is not a deep down knowledge that is required, but few things that help you to remain in the conversation.

Talk to Stranger

Image by catklein (cc)